Francesco De Rubertis

Medicxi is rolling out its biggest fund ever to back Eu­rope's top 'sci­en­tists with strange ideas'

Francesco De Ru­ber­tis built Medicxi to be the kind of biotech ven­ture play­er he would have liked to have known back when he was a full time sci­en­tist.

“When I was a sci­en­tist 20 years ago I would have loved Medicxi,’ the co-founder tells me. It’s the kind of place run by and for in­ves­ti­ga­tors, what the Medicxi part­ner calls “sci­en­tists with strange ideas — a plat­form for the drug hunter and sci­en­tif­ic en­tre­pre­neur. That’s what I want­ed when I was a sci­en­tist.”

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