Medicxi, Tai­ho in­fuse €30M in­to Evotec spin­out — eye­ing can­cer meds tar­get­ing DNA dam­age re­sponse path­ways

Bet­ting on DNA dam­age re­sponse as the next big fron­tier in can­cer ther­a­pies, Evotec is spin­ning out some of its dis­cov­ery-stage work and drug tar­gets in­to a start­up dubbed Break­point Ther­a­peu­tics.

Medicxi and Tai­ho Ven­tures are jump­ing on board for an ini­tial €30 mil­lion ($33.6 mil­lion) haul along­side the Ger­man biotech. For Medicxi the project aligns close­ly with its as­set-cen­tric in­vest­ing phi­los­o­phy, while Tai­ho will be draw­ing from an ex­pand­ed in­vest­ment pool that it has pre­vi­ous­ly in­di­cat­ed would be re­served for first-in-class on­col­o­gy pro­grams.

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