Spe­cial re­port 2023: Meet 20 women re­shap­ing bio­phar­ma

It’s easy to for­get that change takes time.

Drug­mak­ers and in­dus­try or­ga­ni­za­tions have launched a wave of di­ver­si­ty, eq­ui­ty and in­clu­sion ef­forts over the last decade, but in some re­spects, it seems like the nee­dle has bare­ly budged. Women re­main vast­ly un­der­rep­re­sent­ed across biotech’s high­est ranks, and re­cent da­ta sug­gest slow progress.

Un­til you meet some of the women lead­ing the push. They’ve cre­at­ed their own net­works, em­pow­ered oth­er fe­male lead­ers to launch com­pa­nies, filed court briefs and spo­ken up against in­jus­tices. They’re al­so be­hind some of the in­dus­try’s most cut­ting-edge sci­ence, find­ing new ap­pli­ca­tions for mR­NA, work­ing through so­lu­tions to cell ther­a­py’s great­est chal­lenges, re­viv­ing un­der­served ar­eas like an­tibi­otics and women’s health, and ex­plor­ing new fron­tiers in di­ag­nos­tics and de­cen­tral­ized tri­als. Their con­tri­bu­tions to med­i­cine and to the women of fu­ture gen­er­a­tions are im­mea­sur­able.

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