Publicis Health Media's upfront gathering in New York is bringing pharmas, celebrity advocates and media together. (PHM)

Astel­las, Su­per­nus and Patrick Dempsey take the stage at Pub­li­cis Health Me­dia’s Health­Front

Menopause is a pop­u­lar top­ic this year — thanks to Tik­Tok, celebri­ty weigh-in, a na­tion­al TV ad cam­paign and even a Su­per Bowl com­mer­cial.

That’s just what Astel­las has been aim­ing for. The Japan­ese drug­mak­er is re­spon­si­ble for the TV ads, Su­per Bowl spot and some of the Tik­Toks as it gears up for an FDA de­ci­sion for a ther­a­py that treats some of the com­mon side ef­fects of menopause. Mean­while, talk show host and fash­ion ex­pert of “What Not to Wear” fame Sta­cy Lon­don is try­ing to do the same thing, by found­ing State of Menopause two years ago to sell per­son­al-care prod­ucts to menopausal women.

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