Clay Siegall, Seattle Genetics

Mer­ck-al­lied Seat­tle Ge­net­ics’ pos­i­tive up­date on its 2nd ADC may point to an ac­cel­er­at­ed dash to the FDA fin­ish line

Seat­tle Ge­net­ics and their part­ners at Astel­las and Mer­ck con­tin­ue to build a case for quick­ly ex­pand­ing the mar­ket reach of their trend­set­ting an­ti­body drug con­ju­gate en­for­tum­ab ve­dotin. Four months af­ter they rolled in­to ES­MO with solid­ly pos­i­tive da­ta in the front­line set­ting for blad­der can­cer — and just ahead of the Nectin-4 tar­get­ed drug’s ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval at the FDA for sec­ond-line cas­es — in­ves­ti­ga­tors are back with an up­date that sup­ports their case on dura­bil­i­ty and ef­fi­ca­cy in a front­line niche.

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