Mer­ck grows Keytru­da in­di­ca­tions with head and neck can­cer ap­proval

Mer­ck’s check­point star is shin­ing a lit­tle brighter to­day with two new ap­provals in head and neck squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma.

The phar­ma gi­ant first clinched an ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval to use Keytru­da in re­cur­rent or metasta­t­ic cas­es in 2016, tar­get­ing pa­tients whose dis­ease pro­gressed on or af­ter plat­inum-based chemother­a­py.

On Tues­day the FDA con­vert­ed it in­to a full ap­proval right at the end of a pri­or­i­ty re­view pe­ri­od, and ad­di­tion­al­ly stamped its OK on Keytru­da as a front­line treat­ment for head and neck can­cer. That cov­ers both monother­a­py (in pa­tients whose tu­mor ex­press PD-L1) and a com­bi­na­tion with plat­inum and flu­o­rouracil, or FU (whole pop­u­la­tion).

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