Mer­ck racks up an­oth­er win in wide-rang­ing PhI­II Keytru­da lung can­cer study, this time as so­lo ther­a­py

Mer­ck $MRK has scored an­oth­er big win in its broad range of piv­otal Keytru­da stud­ies in lung can­cer.

This morn­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tors re­port that KEYNOTE-042 demon­strat­ed that pa­tients tak­ing their PD-1 check­point drug as a monother­a­py had a sig­nif­i­cant ad­van­tage over chemo alone in front­line non-small cell lung can­cer. The study of­fers an op­por­tu­ni­ty to treat lung can­cer with­out chemo, giv­ing pa­tients a route to for­go­ing some harsh side ef­fects.

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