Mer­ck steps in­to NASH space with ear­ly da­ta for its GLP-1/glucagon re­cep­tor co-ag­o­nist

Mer­ck is teas­ing da­ta for efinopeg­du­tide, a GLP-1/glucagon re­cep­tor co-ag­o­nist, in non­al­co­holic steato­hep­ati­tis (NASH) and how it com­pares to No­vo Nordisk’s semaglu­tide, with plans to share more de­tailed da­ta from the study at the Eu­ro­pean As­so­ci­a­tion for the Study of the Liv­er’s an­nu­al meet­ing lat­er this month.

Mer­ck plans to use da­ta from efinopeg­du­tide’s Phase IIa tri­al in adult pa­tients with non­al­co­holic fat­ty liv­er dis­ease to in­form a Phase IIb study set to be­gin lat­er this month in NASH, a more se­vere form of the dis­ease, ac­cord­ing to Mer­ck. The FDA re­cent­ly grant­ed the drug, which is al­so be­ing eval­u­at­ed as a treat­ment for obe­si­ty and di­a­betes, a fast track des­ig­na­tion in NASH.

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