Mer­ck takes home an FDA win for a Roger Perl­mut­ter fa­vorite, po­ten­tial­ly crack­ing open big mar­ket

With PD-(L)1 drug Keytru­da dom­i­nat­ing the port­fo­lio, erst­while Mer­ck R&D head Roger Perl­mut­ter at­tempt­ed to put the drug­mak­er on good foot­ing with a $2.2 bil­lion buy­out of Pelo­ton Ther­a­peu­tics back in 2019. The key­stone drug in that deal is now bear­ing fruit — and even more wins could be on the way.

The FDA on Fri­day ap­proved Mer­ck’s belzu­ti­fan — soon to be mar­ket­ed as Welireg — a hy­pox­ia-in­ducible fac­tor in­hibitor for the treat­ment of pa­tients with von Hip­pel-Lin­dau (VHL)-as­so­ci­at­ed re­nal cell car­ci­no­ma, CNS he­man­gioblas­tomas or pan­cre­at­ic neu­roen­docrine tu­mors, the agency said in a re­lease.

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