Mer­ck­'s Keytru­da makes the cut as a sec­ond-line monother­a­py for cer­tain esophageal can­cer pa­tients

Mer­ck’s cor­ner­stone check­point in­hibitor Keytru­da has added an­oth­er jew­el to its crown.

The US drug­mak­er on Wednes­day dis­closed that the PD-1 drug had won ap­proval as a monother­a­py for pa­tients with re­cur­rent lo­cal­ly ad­vanced or metasta­t­ic squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma of the esoph­a­gus, whose tu­mors ex­press PD-L1, and whose dis­ease has pro­gressed de­spite one or more pri­or lines of sys­temic ther­a­py.

About 17,650 new esophageal can­cer cas­es will be di­ag­nosed this year in the Unit­ed States, the Amer­i­can Can­cer So­ci­ety es­ti­mates. Typ­i­cal­ly, pa­tients with the ad­vanced form of the dis­ease have lim­it­ed treat­ment op­tions.

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