Mer­ck’s PhI­II liv­er can­cer study for Keytru­da fails on two key end­points, just three months af­ter the FDA gave it the green light

In a rare set­back, Mer­ck has suf­fered a key Phase III fail­ure for Keytru­da that could put a crimp in its sales prospects.

The phar­ma gi­ant re­port­ed af­ter the mar­ket closed on Tues­day that Keytru­da failed the KEYNOTE-240 study for he­pa­to­cel­lu­lar car­ci­no­ma, the most com­mon type of liv­er can­cer. The tri­al missed on both over­all sur­vival as well as pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival. That news ar­rived just 3 months af­ter the FDA of­fered an ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval on liv­er can­cer based on their ear­li­er mid-stage da­ta for the drug. 

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