MIT sci­en­tists look to un­lock po­ten­tial of ‘self-ad­ju­vant­i­ng’ mR­NA vac­cines in mice

Sci­en­tists at MIT have re­vamped mR­NA Covid jabs to boost their im­mune re­spons­es, po­ten­tial­ly paving the way for work on a new class of “self-ad­ju­vant­i­ng” mR­NA vac­cines.

New find­ings in mice stud­ies sug­gest that mR­NA vac­cines can be made “self-ad­ju­vant­i­ng” through spe­cif­ic de­sign al­ter­ations, pro­duc­ing a stronger im­mune re­sponse at a low­er dose. Cer­tain tra­di­tion­al vac­cines can have ad­ju­vants to en­hance im­mune stim­u­la­tion, but these have not been used in mod­ern mR­NA ap­proach­es to date.

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