Ken Horne, Capacity Bio CEO

Mi­to­chon­dria biotech field grows as RA, In­sight up the Ca­pac­i­ty with a new $35M start­up

A Los An­ge­les biotech is join­ing the ranks of star­tups look­ing to make use of the pow­er­house of the cell, with RA Cap­i­tal and In­sight Part­ners co-lead­ing a $35 mil­lion fund­ing round for Ca­pac­i­ty Bio.

Based on work done by UCLA pro­fes­sor Ori­an Shir­i­hai and Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona pro­fes­sor Kath­leen Rodgers, the biotech is work­ing on new tar­gets that af­fect the mi­to­chon­dria, CEO Ken Horne told End­points News. The fund­ing will take the lean start­up in­to 2025 through var­i­ous clin­i­cal mile­stones, added the CEO, who pre­vi­ous­ly led ven­ture cre­ation for Ca­pac­i­ty’s in­cu­ba­tor, Remiges Ven­tures.

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