Stéphane Bancel, Moderna CEO (via Getty)

Mod­er­na asks FDA to open the door for 4th Covid shots for all adults

Mod­er­na late last night one-upped its Covid-19 vac­cine com­peti­tor Pfiz­er, ap­ply­ing not just for an­oth­er boost­er shot for the el­der­ly, as Pfiz­er did ear­li­er this week, but for the en­tire adult pop­u­la­tion.

This amend­ment to its EUA would al­low for a fourth dose of Mod­er­na’s Spike­vax vac­cine in adults 18 years and old­er who have re­ceived an ini­tial boost­er of any au­tho­rized or ap­proved Covid vac­cine.

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