Stéphane Bancel, Moderna CEO (Lenin Nolly/NurPhoto via AP Images)

Mod­er­na cuts four pro­grams in vac­cines, sol­id tu­mors and heart fail­ure as it in­creas­es, pri­or­i­tizes pipeline

Mod­er­na is beef­ing up its pipeline over the next five years with a plan launch up to 15 new prod­ucts and ad­vance up to 50 mR­NA med­i­cines in­to clin­i­cal tri­als — but not all pro­grams made the cut as the com­pa­ny pri­or­i­tizes.

Four pro­grams were scrapped, ac­cord­ing to Mod­er­na’s R&D day pre­sen­ta­tion for in­vestors. The list in­cludes a first-gen­er­a­tion Covid and flu com­bo vac­cine and an­oth­er vac­cine for pe­di­atric hu­man metap­neu­movirus (hM­PV) and parain­fluen­za type 3. Round­ing out the list is an mR­NA prospect for sol­id tu­mors that en­cod­ed for the cy­tokine IL-12, and an­oth­er can­di­date that en­cod­ed for vas­cu­lar en­dothe­lial growth fac­tor A (VEGF-A) in pa­tients un­der­go­ing coro­nary artery by­pass graft­ing.

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