Stéphane Bancel, Moderna CEO (Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images)

Mod­er­na jumps in­to piv­otal pack with promis­ing RSV da­ta as big ri­vals face off in megablock­buster race

There’s a foot race de­vel­op­ing for the lead of a multi­bil­lion-dol­lar vac­cine mar­ket. And once again, Mod­er­na $MR­NA promis­es to be right in the thick of things as some of the biggest block­buster play­ers in bio­phar­ma hus­tle to­ward the fin­ish line.

Af­ter the mar­ket closed on Tues­day, the big biotech, which has been in the van­guard of the mR­NA rev­o­lu­tion on Covid vac­cines, put out word that it had aced its piv­otal tri­al for a new RSV vac­cine dubbed mR­NA-1345 among old­er peo­ple above the age of 60. Mod­er­na CEO Stéphane Ban­cel head­lined the news with a clear­ly sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant ef­fect of­fer­ing 83.7% ef­fi­ca­cy in pre­vent­ing low­er res­pi­ra­to­ry tract dis­ease among peo­ple with two or more symp­toms of dis­ease.

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