Moderna is reupping its US Open 'Change Makers' campaign with a spotlight on the legacy of icon Arthur Ashe.

Mod­er­na high­lights ten­nis leg­end Arthur Ashe in sec­ond ‘Change Mak­ers’ cam­paign at US Open, ahead of fall vac­cine sea­son

Mod­er­na is spot­light­ing ten­nis cham­pi­on and so­cial ac­tivist Arthur Ashe in its sec­ond “Here’s to the Change Mak­ers” cam­paign. Ashe, who died in 1993 of AIDS-re­lat­ed pneu­mo­nia, is fea­tured in a new black-and-white TV ad in com­put­er-gen­er­at­ed im­agery and an­i­ma­tion both on and off the ten­nis courts.

Sim­ple text state­ments “He changed the rules,” “He changed the game,” and “He changed the world” ap­pear in se­quen­tial or­der as Ashe serves. Be­hind the text, the an­i­ma­tion shows a “Whites On­ly” ten­nis court is un­locked, fol­lowed by Ashe lift­ing a tro­phy and ap­pear­ing as a speak­er in front of an au­di­ence.

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