Juan Andres, CTO and quality officer at Moderna

Mod­er­na ties the knot with Ther­mo Fish­er on a 15-year man­u­fac­tur­ing al­liance, glu­ing a glob­al net­work

Af­ter mar­shal­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing forces at Ther­mo Fish­er to meet huge de­mand for its Covid-19 vac­cine, the top ex­ecs at Mod­er­na have now ham­mered out a deal that should keep its mR­NA prod­ucts flow­ing for the next 15 years.

The man­u­fac­tur­ing con­glom­er­ate has al­ready been pro­vid­ing Mod­er­na with asep­tic fill-fin­ish ser­vices and pack­ag­ing of its Covid-19 vac­cine. In this ex­pand­ed al­liance, Ther­mo Fish­er is carv­ing out ded­i­cat­ed fill-fin­ish ser­vices along with “in­spec­tion, la­bel­ing and fi­nal pack­ag­ing ser­vices.”

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