Mod­er­na eyes PhI­II start for com­bo mR­NA jab tar­get­ing Covid and flu af­ter PhI/II suc­cess

Mod­er­na’s com­bi­na­tion vac­cine can­di­date for Covid-19 and in­fluen­za, mR­NA-1083, has shown ear­ly po­ten­tial in a mid-stage tri­al, spark­ing plans for reg­is­tra­tional de­vel­op­ment lat­er this year.

The on­go­ing Phase I/II tri­al is com­par­ing mR­NA-1083 to a stan­dard dose of Flu­ar­ix or high-dose Flu­zone, de­pend­ing on pa­tient age, and Mod­er­na’s own Spike­vax boost­er for Covid-19.

The com­bi­na­tion vac­cine is one of 15 prod­ucts the US biotech aims to bring to mar­ket over the next five years. Mod­er­na’s am­bi­tious plans al­so in­clude ad­vanc­ing up to 50 mR­NA pro­grams in­to the clin­ic with­in the same time­frame. But its jab can­di­date for in­fluen­za on­ly, mR­NA-1010, has yield­ed mixed da­ta in the past, al­though it has since suc­ceed­ed at Phase III.

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