MoonLake Immunotherapeutics CEO Jorge Santos da Silva (L) and CSO Kristian Reich (via website)

Moon­Lake’s im­munol­o­gy drug gets help of in­vest­ment bankers for po­ten­tial sale — Reuters re­port

Moon­Lake Im­munother­a­peu­tics is work­ing with an in­vest­ment bank to ex­plore a po­ten­tial sale, per a Fri­day evening re­port in Reuters, cit­ing an undis­closed num­ber of un­named sources.

A sale of the pub­lic biotech would mark an­oth­er deal in the bustling in­flam­ma­tion and im­munol­o­gy R&D space, with Mer­ck’s near­ly $11 bil­lion Prometheus buy and Roche’s re­port­ed­ly $7 bil­lion pur­suit of Roivant and Pfiz­er’s bow­el dis­ease drug.

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