More than 1,000 clin­i­cal tri­als were stopped by the pan­dem­ic — in­clud­ing dozens in PhI­II

We’ve been hear­ing plen­ty of anec­do­tal ev­i­dence of the dam­age done by the Covid-19 out­break glob­al­ly to drug R&D. But a re­searcher now based in Berlin trawled the da­ta avail­able on­line and came up with a star­tling con­clu­sion: at least 1,099 tri­als have been halt­ed by the coro­n­avirus.

The vast ma­jor­i­ty of these stud­ies — 97%, or 1,070 — were sus­pend­ed, a tem­po­rary halt that could al­low them to re­sume once the new virus has been tamed and sites re­opened. But it may not be that sim­ple.

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