Nabri­va goes 2 for 2 in Phase III an­tibi­ot­ic pro­gram, scor­ing on a key cat­a­lyst -- but shares plunge on safe­ty wor­ries

Nabri­va Ther­a­peu­tics $NBRV has scored a sec­ond, piv­otal Phase III win for its an­tibi­ot­ic lefa­mulin in com­mu­ni­ty ac­quired bac­te­r­i­al pneu­mo­nia — set­ting up a pitch to the FDA lat­er this year and quite like­ly clear­ing a path to its first com­mer­cial launch.

Their an­tibi­ot­ic achieved non-in­fe­ri­or­i­ty com­pared to mox­i­floxacin for ear­ly clin­i­cal re­sponse (ECR) — 72 to 120 hours fol­low­ing ini­ti­a­tion of ther­a­py in the in­tent to treat pa­tient pop­u­la­tion. In this tri­al, ECR rates were 90.8% for lefa­mulin and 90.8% for mox­i­floxacin. The tri­al al­so achieved Eu­ro­pean goals out­lined for an ap­proval.

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