NASEM re­leas­es re­port on med­ical sup­ply-chain re­silien­cy

Sup­ply chains have nev­er had a high­er pro­file than they do right now, but there is no sin­gu­lar “sil­ver bul­let” to blame for the med­ical prod­uct sup­ply chain prob­lem. And while the re­liance on oth­er coun­tries for man­u­fac­tur­ing has had its draw­backs, on-shoring the en­tire sup­ply chain is cost­ly and not fea­si­ble.

That’s the as­sess­ment from the Na­tion­al Acad­e­mies of Sci­ences, En­gi­neer­ing, Med­i­cine, start­ing off its con­sen­sus study re­port on re­silience in the US’s med­ical prod­uct sup­ply chains. Re­leased Thurs­day, the re­port ac­knowl­edges what we al­ready knew: the prod­ucts we take for grant­ed every day are not as easy to ob­tain.

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