Ned Sharp­less is not play­ing with the FDA’s gold stan­dard — any more than Scott Got­tlieb did

Ned Sharp­less got a chance to out­line just what kind of act­ing FDA chief he’ll be in the wake of Scott Got­tlieb’s de­par­ture from the agency. And aside from a more con­ser­v­a­tive se­lec­tion of socks, he’s clear­ly plan­ning to adopt the ex­act same fash­ions laid down by his pre­de­ces­sor.

In an all-hands-on-deck ad­dress to staffers, Sharp­less promised to fit the Got­tlieb mold per­fect­ly, vow­ing to main­tain the agency’s gold stan­dard on drug ap­provals while do­ing what he can to keep the copy­cats com­ing to help tamp down on drug costs.

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