Neil Wood­ford force­ful­ly stems in­vestor out­flow by sus­pend­ing his be­lea­guered main fund

Mount­ing woes at Neil Wood­ford’s flag­ship in­vest­ment fund has cul­mi­nat­ed in a dras­tic de­ci­sion to block in­vestors from pulling out.

The sus­pen­sion of the is­sue, can­cel­la­tion, sale, re­demp­tion and trans­fer of shares in the Wood­ford Eq­ui­ty In­come Fund comes days af­ter it was down­grad­ed by the in­vest­ment re­search firm Morn­ingstar. Plagued by an ex­o­dus of dis­ap­point­ed in­vestors, the fund has shrunk from £10.2 bil­lion to £3.7 bil­lion in just 2 years, the Guardian re­port­ed.

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