Neoanti­gen play­er PACT Phar­ma woos Tim Moore from Kite to run tech­ni­cal ops

In cell ther­a­py, some of the biggest break­throughs lie not in the sci­ence of killing tu­mor cells but fig­ur­ing out a way to man­u­fac­ture those treat­ments at scale. Work­ing on a per­son­al­ized T cell ther­a­py tar­get­ing neoanti­gens, PACT Phar­ma knows just how im­por­tant — and dif­fi­cult — it can be to re­cruit a top-notch leader for the tech­ni­cal team.

Alex Franzu­soff

“There are on­ly a hand­ful of peo­ple at the cen­ter of the ac­tion,” CEO Alex Franzu­soff not­ed in a state­ment.

One of them is now com­ing to PACT. Tim Moore, who over­saw the CAR-T build­out at Kite, will of­fi­cial­ly be­come its pres­i­dent and chief tech­ni­cal of­fi­cer next week.

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Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA