Neos con­sid­er­ing of­fers af­ter re­ject­ing PDL’s $300M bid: Reuters

Neos Ther­a­peu­tics $NEOS may be ask­ing for a bid­ding war af­ter re­ject­ing a takeover of­fer from PDL Bio­Phar­ma that came in last week. A source fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter told Reuters Tues­day Neos will con­sid­er of­fers from oth­er po­ten­tial buy­ers.

It’s the fourth time Neos has jilt­ed PDL. Neos, a mak­er of at­ten­tion deficit dis­or­der treat­ments based out of Texas, re­ceived iden­ti­cal of­fers from PDL in June, Ju­ly and Sep­tem­ber of this year. Each one of­fered to buy Neos for $300 mil­lion.

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