Henry Gosebruch, Neumora CEO

Neu­mora's big neu­ro­science plans head to­ward the Nas­daq in sec­ond PhI­II biotech IPO pitch in 24 hours

The large­ly dor­mant biotech IPO mar­ket start­ed siz­zling Fri­day, with two Phase III drug de­vel­op­ers send­ing in their pitch­es for Nas­daq de­buts this fall.

Af­ter Fri­day’s clos­ing bell, the neu­ro­science biotech Neumo­ra sub­mit­ted its pa­per­work to go pub­lic, a day af­ter Rayze­Bio dis­closed its plans by pen­cil­ing in a $100 mil­lion of­fer­ing. The two would join a lit­tle over a dozen biotechs to hit the Nas­daq this year.

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