Henry Gosebruch, Neumora CEO

Neumo­ra goes big with three PhI­II de­pres­sion stud­ies, new CEO from Ab­b­Vie’s C-suite

The wheels are rolling fast at Neumo­ra as the “Re­al­ly Big Neu­ro­science Com­pa­ny” nears three Phase III tri­als for its in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al de­pres­sion drug, read­ies a slate of oth­er clin­i­cal stud­ies and woos a new CEO from Big Phar­ma.

Neumo­ra said Tues­day morn­ing it hired Hen­ry Gose­bruch as pres­i­dent and CEO. Gose­bruch, Ab­b­Vie’s for­mer chief strat­e­gy of­fi­cer, joined Ju­ly 3 and takes the place of Paul Berns, who tran­si­tioned to ex­ec­u­tive chair.

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