Neu­ro­crine's $50M bet on Idor­sia drug flames out in sec­ond PhII

The drug that Neu­ro­crine Bio­sciences li­censed from Idor­sia for $50 mil­lion has flunked a sec­ond Phase II study, fail­ing to help pe­di­atric pa­tients with a rare type of epilep­sy.

Just a few months ago, Neu­ro­crine re­vealed that NBI-827104, a cal­ci­um chan­nel block­er, did not meet the end­point in a sep­a­rate mid-stage study for es­sen­tial tremor.

“We think ex­pec­ta­tions for the tri­al were low,” wrote Cowen an­a­lyst Phil Nadeau. And he added that the neg­a­tive read­out may put the pro­gram to bed: “Af­ter two failed stud­ies, we sus­pect there is no path for­ward for ‘104.”

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