New Adap­ti­m­mune man­age­ment scores con­fi­dence boost with up to $897M+ Astel­las deal

It makes sense to join forces with your part­ner’s own­er.

Japan’s Astel­las Phar­ma is ty­ing up with UK-based Adap­ti­m­mune Ther­a­peu­tics in a deal worth up to $897.5 mil­lion to de­vel­op stem-cell-de­rived, off-the-shelf T-cell ther­a­pies. Since 2015, Adap­ti­m­mune has been col­lab­o­rat­ing with a Seat­tle based com­pa­ny that makes cus­tomized stem cells — Uni­ver­sal Cells — which Astel­las swal­lowed in 2018.

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