New gener­ics save pa­tients bil­lions per year, ac­cord­ing to FDA re­port

Gener­ic ap­provals saved pa­tients a whop­ping $10.7 bil­lion in 2020 de­spite chal­lenges posed by the pan­dem­ic, ac­cord­ing to a new FDA re­port. And while there were few­er full ap­provals last year, that num­ber may be on the rise, ac­cord­ing to a for­mer Of­fice of Gener­ic Drugs leader.

For­mer OGD act­ing deputy di­rec­tor Robert Pol­lock said in a re­cent blog post that the agency is like­ly to ful­ly ap­prove around 695 ab­bre­vi­at­ed NDAs this year and ten­ta­tive­ly ap­prove an­oth­er 182. That’s slight­ly up from the 679 and 157 full and ten­ta­tive ap­provals from last year, he wrote.

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