New year, new tax rates. How did the world’s biggest drug­mak­ers fare?

Bio­phar­ma is burst­ing with re­ports this month of how Trumpian tax breaks will af­fect the in­dus­try’s biggest play­ers, with Ab­b­Vie’s $AB­BV jaw-drop­ping 50% rate slash win­ning the award for most no­table head­line. Big Phar­ma joined the pa­rade short­ly there­after, each tout­ing tax rate pro­jec­tions that equate to big mon­ey on the books for 2018.

We col­lect­ed re­ports from 13 of the biggest drug­mak­ers af­fect­ed by the US cor­po­rate tax cut — all with rev­enues in the dou­ble-dig­it bil­lions — to gauge the av­er­age im­pact of the new law on Big Phar­ma (full list be­low).

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