Nex­Im­mune to lay off 53% of em­ploy­ees to save mon­ey, CFO to step down 

Im­munother­a­py com­pa­ny Nex­Im­mune plans to lay off 22 of its 47 em­ploy­ees by Sep. 5 to re­duce the com­pa­ny’s ex­pens­es. John Train­er is va­cat­ing his role as CFO from Sep. 2 but will stay on as a con­sul­tant and ad­vi­sor. He joined Nex­Im­mune in Jan. 2020.

As of June 30, the com­pa­ny had $16.3 mil­lion in cash and cash equiv­a­lents, which is a drop from $34.6 mil­lion at the end of 2022, as per the com­pa­ny’s sec­ond quar­ter earn­ings re­port re­leased on Aug. 10. The com­pa­ny said then that its funds should be enough to tide the com­pa­ny in­to the fourth quar­ter.

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