Jeb Keiper, Nimbus Therapeutics CEO

Nim­bus is back for more, rais­ing $210M to fu­el pipeline sev­en months af­ter $4B Take­da deal

What kind of biotech com­pa­ny re­turns bil­lions to its in­vestors with­out ever open­ing a lab, com­mer­cial­iz­ing a drug, or go­ing pub­lic with an IPO?

Nim­bus Ther­a­peu­tics. Af­ter rais­ing $125 mil­lion just a year ago and sell­ing a still-ex­per­i­men­tal pill to Take­da Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in a deal ear­li­er this year that could be worth as much as$6 bil­lion, the small Boston-based biotech is back for more.

On Wednes­day, Nim­bus an­nounced that it raised $210 mil­lion in pri­vate fi­nanc­ing, in­clud­ing from first-timer GV (for­mer­ly known as Google Ven­tures) and re­turn­ing in­vestors that in­clude SR One, At­las Ven­ture, and Gates Fron­tier — Bill Gates’ ven­ture cap­i­tal firm.

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