Thomas Holm Pedersen, NMD Pharma CEO

NMD Phar­ma se­cures €75M from in­sid­ers for three PhII tri­als in neu­ro­mus­cu­lar dis­or­ders

Dan­ish biotech NMD Phar­ma, named for its fo­cus on neu­ro­mus­cu­lar dis­or­ders, has tacked on €75 mil­lion ($81 mil­lion) to bankroll three Phase II stud­ies of its main drug can­di­date.

The fund­ing will sup­port Phase II tri­als of its CIC-1 mol­e­cule in­hibitor NMD670 in pa­tients with spinal mus­cu­lar at­ro­phy (SMA), myas­the­nia gravis and Char­cot-Marie-Tooth dis­ease, NMD said Wednes­day morn­ing.

It al­so gives NMD an­oth­er three years of run­way, CEO Thomas Holm Ped­er­sen told End­points News. The SMA tri­al will be the first one to read out da­ta, some­time in 2025. The SMA study has al­ready be­gun, and the oth­er two tri­als will start next year, he said.

Endpoints News

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