Daniel Gold, MEI Pharma CEO

No more ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­provals for PI3K? Biotech cites FDA's 'cur­rent po­si­tion' as it warns of ma­jor de­lay

Did the FDA change its mind about the class of blood can­cer drugs known as PI3K?

Where­as the agency had pre­vi­ous­ly grant­ed ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­provals to PI3K drugs to treat hema­to­log­ic ma­lig­nan­cies, that op­tion is ap­par­ent­ly off the ta­ble for zan­delis­ib, a can­di­date from MEI Phar­ma and Ky­owa Kirin. For the com­pa­nies, that means de­lay­ing a po­ten­tial monother­a­py launch from 2023 to 2026, ac­cord­ing to an­a­lysts.

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