Not just As­traZeneca — CanSi­no Bi­o­log­ics al­so un­veils Phase II da­ta, show­ing an­ti­body and T cell re­sponse

The biotech and in­fec­tious dis­ease world — much of the world, re­al­ly — sat ea­ger­ly an­tic­i­pat­ing the ear­ly Covid-19 vac­cine da­ta As­traZeneca and the Lancet had promised would emerge on Mon­day. Then, at 9:30 EST, the Lancet post­ed not on­ly the As­traZeneca da­ta but a sec­ond batch of im­por­tant re­sults: the Phase II da­ta from Chi­nese biotech CanSi­no Bi­o­log­ics.

As­traZeneca, Mod­er­na and Pfiz­er, among oth­ers, have cap­tured much of the at­ten­tion in Eu­rope and North Amer­i­ca, where coun­tries have helped ush­er the vac­cines through tri­als and signed deals for hun­dreds of mil­lions of dos­es. But CanSi­no was the first of any ef­fort to re­port Phase I da­ta and they’ve rolled along at the front of the pack since.

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