Vas Narasimhan speaks during an annual results conference in January 2019 (via AP)

No­var­tis' $18.5B in M&A un­der Vas Narasimhan says a lot about their care­ful — but op­por­tunis­tic — deal strat­e­gy

Puz­zling out the M&A and deal strat­e­gy at No­var­tis has been one of the most pop­u­lar par­lor games in bio­phar­ma. CEO Vas Narasimhan, an up­beat guy, has en­joyed a good streak of new drug ap­provals. And since be­ing named to the post in the fall of 2017, he’s de­light­ed in a se­ries of small to mid-sized bolt-on deals that’s kept every­one buzzing about what he’ll turn to next.

In one of his lat­est dis­cus­sions on the top­ic, he point­ed com­pa­ny watch­ers to a cau­tious strat­e­gy of an­gling for ear­li­er-stage as­sets, which might be riski­er than late-stage but more like­ly to fall in­side their bud­get of about $10 bil­lion a year for new ac­qui­si­tions. It’s al­so a good place to pick up some as­sets that can help down the road a bit on the next wave of drug ap­provals.

But he al­so out­lined that strat­e­gy just days af­ter ink­ing a $5.3 bil­lion deal to buy the com­mer­cial eye drug Xi­idra from Take­da, which had to sell it as part of their agree­ment to ac­quire Shire. You can’t get much lat­er stage than that.

So what to make of it?

To help get a good view of the land­scape that No­var­tis BD team has oc­cu­pied over the past 5 years, we asked Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar at Deal­For­ma to pro­vide the full slate of deals the Swiss phar­ma gi­ant has struck. Glanc­ing over the lists, and you’ll see Narasimhan has spent $21 bil­lion since be­ing named CEO, with some very late-stage pick­ups along the way.

So let’s say he’s stick­ing with the bud­get, but will be op­por­tunis­tic about what’s on the M&A aisle for squeez­ing.

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