No­var­tis, Ab­b­Vie dom­i­nate the top 10 list of block­busters prep­ping for a 2019 mar­ket­ing launch

Every com­pa­ny on this list of the top 10 2019 mar­ket­ing launch­es — com­piled by Eval­u­ate in Jan­u­ary — has a lot to prove.

We have Alex­ion, try­ing to safe­guard its big mon­ey­mak­ing fran­chise, top­ping the chart.

No­var­tis and its new CEO are the dom­i­nant play­er this year, with 3 top con­tenders for block­buster sta­tus — a big op­por­tu­ni­ty for the crew run­ning the Basel-based phar­ma gi­ant.

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