No­var­tis nix­es PhII TGFß an­ti­body — and one-time 'wild card' — af­ter ben­e­fit-risk as­sess­ment

Eight years af­ter No­var­tis first li­censed an an­ti-TGFß an­ti­body from XO­MA, the Swiss phar­ma gi­ant is wind­ing down all de­vel­op­ment.

The drug, dubbed NIS793, was be­ing test­ed in two Phase II tri­als. As part of its quar­ter­ly earn­ings in Ju­ly, No­var­tis dis­closed it was cut­ting the study in metasta­t­ic pan­cre­at­ic duc­tal ade­no­car­ci­no­ma, “based on ben­e­fit-risk as­sess­ment.” It’s now shut­ting down a sep­a­rate col­orec­tal can­cer tri­al, which it pre­vi­ous­ly said would con­tin­ue. XO­MA first re­vealed the pro­gram ter­mi­na­tion in an SEC fil­ing Fri­day.

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