Vas Narasimhan, Novartis CEO (Akio Kon/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

No­var­tis ex­ecs high­light progress of slim­mer pipeline af­ter San­doz spin­off

No­var­tis ex­ec­u­tives on Tues­day crys­tal­lized their on­go­ing R&D strat­e­gy shift in the wake of the San­doz spin­off, with CEO Vas Narasimhan and oth­ers out­lin­ing how the com­pa­ny aims to be more ef­fi­cient and its de­ci­sions stream­lined.

Gone are the days of “Wild Card” drugs, re­placed by a slimmed-down pipeline with much more “align­ment” across de­part­ments about which dis­eases to tack­le. It marks a shift from the past, the CEO said, about mak­ing sure No­var­tis is “very, very clear” on the dis­eases it wants to treat and drugs it wants to pur­sue.

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