Cintia Piccina (L) and Shannon Campbell

No­var­tis mar­ket­ing vets move on to new com­mer­cial roles in biotech

The com­mer­cial staffers with No­var­tis or oth­er Big Phar­mas on their ré­sumés are still find­ing open arms wait­ing for them on the biotech side of the busi­ness as small­er and small­er drug de­vel­op­ers step up mar­ket­ing ef­forts in a hunt for their first ap­provals.

While Im­muno­core was cel­e­brat­ing its first big win at the FDA with an ap­proval for its first mar­ket­ed drug to­day, a close biotech cousin was lay­ing the foun­da­tion for its own hoped-for piv­ot to com­mer­cial­iza­tion.

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