No­var­tis' plans to wres­tle Eylea mar­ket share take a hit as Beovu is linked to safe­ty con­cerns

While Re­gen­eron’s flag­ship eye ther­a­py Eylea hur­tles to­wards a patent cliff, the sales of its main ri­val — No­var­tis’ Beovu — could be taint­ed by safe­ty con­cerns.

On Sun­day night, Chica­go-based Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Reti­na Spe­cial­ists (ASRS) is­sued a note to mem­bers about 14 cas­es of reti­nal vas­culi­tis (in­clud­ing 11 cas­es of oc­clu­sive reti­nal vas­culi­tis) — a sight-threat­en­ing in­flam­ma­to­ry eye con­di­tion that in­volves the reti­nal ves­sels — across 46,000 in­jec­tions ad­min­is­tered since Beovu’s launch in No­vem­ber 2019, Wall Street an­a­lysts re­port­ed.

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