No­var­tis rolls out its next big drug at a record-set­ting price of $2.12M — let the gene ther­a­py pric­ing de­bate be­gin

Let the next big de­bate over gene ther­a­py pric­ing be­gin now.

No­var­tis an­nounced mid­day Fri­day that the FDA had stamped its OK on Zol­gens­ma, a ground­break­ing gene ther­a­py for lethal cas­es of spinal mus­cu­lar at­ro­phy that will test the mar­ket’s ac­cep­tance of 7-fig­ure prices.

Af­ter years of dis­cus­sion and de­bate, No­var­tis set the price at $2.12 mil­lion spread out over a 5-year in­stall­ment plan.

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