No­var­tis strikes $250M buy­out for Mer­ck Serono spin­out's au­toim­mune 'pipeline-in-a-drug'

No­var­tis is set to ac­quire au­toim­mune-fo­cused Ca­lyp­so Biotech for $250 mil­lion up­front, lay­ing claim to the first phar­ma buy­out of 2024 just hours be­fore the JP Mor­gan Health­care Con­fer­ence kicks off.

Am­s­ter­dam-based Ca­lyp­so is all about the in­flam­ma­to­ry cy­tokine in­ter­leukin-15, or IL-15. CALY-002, its an­ti-IL-15 an­ti­body, is a “pipeline-in-a-drug with po­ten­tial in der­ma­tol­ogy, gas­tro-in­testi­nal and rheuma­tol­ogy in­di­ca­tions,” ac­cord­ing to the com­pa­ny’s state­ment.

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