No­var­tis' TV ad for breast can­cer drug Kisqali draws un­ti­tled let­ter from FDA

The FDA sent No­var­tis a rep­ri­mand last week claim­ing “false or mis­lead­ing” in­for­ma­tion in a TV com­mer­cial for metasta­t­ic breast can­cer drug Kisqali. The TV ad with a “Long Live” tagline, which is no longer run­ning, be­gan in 2022 and last aired in Sep­tem­ber 2023, No­var­tis said.

The com­mer­cial was de­scribed as con­cern­ing be­cause it could lead MBC pa­tients “to be­lieve that Kisqali has been shown to be more ef­fec­tive in treat­ing their con­di­tion and symp­toms (e.g., with re­spect to over­all sur­vival and qual­i­ty of life) than was ac­tu­al­ly demon­strat­ed,” ac­cord­ing to the un­ti­tled let­ter from the FDA’s ad­ver­tis­ing watch­dog, the Of­fice of Pre­scrip­tion Drug Pro­mo­tion (OPDP).

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