Stanley Erck, Novavax CEO (AP Images)

No­vavax takes pro­tein-based Covid-19 vac­cine over­seas, ask­ing for an ap­proval in the UK

Just af­ter an on­slaught of man­u­fac­tur­ing is­sues last week and sub­mit­ting their Covid-19 vac­cine to the WHO for re­view last month, No­vavax is go­ing across the sea and tak­ing its pro­tein-based Covid-19 vac­cine up with the crown.

The com­pa­ny filed for mar­ket­ing au­tho­riza­tion ap­proval with the MHRA in the UK, No­vavax said this morn­ing in a state­ment.

As for a sub­mis­sion to the FDA, No­vavax said that they plan to have the ap­pli­ca­tion in by year’s end. The Mary­land biotech has de­layed fil­ing with the FDA sev­er­al times, spark­ing crit­i­cism from an­a­lysts as cred­i­bil­i­ty has worn thin.

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