Ian Nicholson (F2G)

No­vo backs 'break­through' an­ti­fun­gal play­er's $60M round — with a fo­cus on rare mold in­fec­tions

The plight of an­tibi­otics de­vel­op­ers has been well doc­u­ment­ed: chron­i­cal­ly un­der­fund­ed re­search, daunt­ing sci­en­tif­ic chal­lenges, and lit­tle com­mer­cial up­side even for the ones that make it to the mar­ket. But in an ad­ja­cent cor­ner of the an­timi­cro­bial space, an an­ti­fun­gal play­er is out to paint a very dif­fer­ent pic­ture.

F2G, a UK-Aus­tria hy­brid, has raised $60.8 mil­lion for its fi­nal push to­ward the clin­ic. Clear­ing the test could pave the way for its drug to be the first new an­ti­fun­gal agent in 20 years.

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