No­vo Nordisk an­tic­i­pates patchy We­govy sup­ply in the com­ing months as it pro­vides in­sight on man­u­fac­tur­ing plans

De­spite No­vo Nordisk ini­tial­ly sug­gest­ing its US sup­ply short­age for We­govy would ease in Sep­tem­ber, it is now say­ing such con­straints may car­ry on a bit longer.

The com­pa­ny had put on its web­site that US pa­tients may have dif­fi­cul­ty fill­ing their pre­scrip­tions for cer­tain dos­es of We­govy “through Sep­tem­ber.” How­ev­er, on a me­dia call Thurs­day, CFO Karsten Munk Knud­sen said that the re­stric­tion on starter dos­es may be ex­tend­ed for the “com­ing quar­ters.” De­mand is so high, he said, that there is “in­her­ent un­cer­tain­ty to the pace of the obe­si­ty care mar­ket ex­pan­sion.”

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